Ukraine War ☠ Footage and Updates ⚠ Day 160
Ukrainian forces have recaptured over 40 settlements in the region of Kherson. North Korea plans to send workers to Russia-occupied Donetsk.
Uncensored Ukrainian War Drone Video Footage ⚠ of the Ukrainian army fighting the Russian-backed separatists in the east of the country. The role of reconnaissance can fulfil a variety of requirements including artillery spotting, the collection of imagery intelligence, and the observation of enemy maneuvers.
More Uncensored and Raw Footage from the War in Ukraine can be found on the sites listed below:
Uncensored Ukrainian War ⚠ Drone Video Footage leaked by soldiers of the Ukrainian ✪ army fighting the Russian-backed separatists in the east of the country. The role of reconnaissance can fulfil a variety of requirements including artillery spotting, the collection of imagery intelligence, and the observation of enemy maneuvers.
Ukrainian forces have recaptured over 40 settlements in the region of Kherson. North Korea plans to send workers to Russia-occupied Donetsk.
A deal to restart grain exports from Black Sea ports, alleged violations committed by Russian forces include the torture of prisoners of war