With the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, drone footage has provided a unique insight into the events happening on the ground. From dramatic ambushes of Russian convoys to life and death battles in Bakhmut, Ukrainian drone footage has captured some of the most intense moments that have occurred in the war. This page provides a comprehensive overview of the latest videos from the Ukraine war, including key takeaways and a daily summary of the footage. Scroll down to view the highlighted videos and gain a better understanding of the conflict.
Key Takeaways from the Highlighted Videos
• Ukrainian kamikaze drone targeted two Russian soldiers standing near a Military Equipment
• Life and death battle in Bakhmut shows that Ukraine saved 80% of the town
• Russian weaponry was destroyed by a drone explosive
• Dramatic drone footage captured the ambush of the Russian convoy, destroyed by Ukraine
Daily Ukraine War Drone Footage Summary
The latest drone footage from Ukraine shows a war that is filled with intense ambushes and battles. Ukrainian forces have been seen using kamikaze drones to target Russian soldiers, while also launching explosive drones that have the power to destroy Russian weaponry. At the same time, Ukrainian forces have been successful in their defense of Bakhmut, saving 80% of the town from being taken over by Russian forces. Drone footage has provided a unique insight into the events of the war, so scroll down to view the highlighted videos and get a better understanding of the conflict.
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Drone Footage from the last 24 hours
Sat Jul 15 2023 9:00:14 UTC
Sat Jul 15 2023 8:02:27 UTC
Ukrainian kamikaze drone targeted two Russian soldiers standing near a Military Equipment Ukraine war video footage
This video is made for education and positive purpose only.
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Fri Jul 14 2023 23:30:09 UTC
Life and death battle in Bakhmut! Last Minute Drone Footage Shows , Ukraine Saved 80% of Bakhmut
At the same time, offensive operations are continuing on the southern front line in the directions of Melitopol and Berdiansk, where Ukrainian forces are aiming to degrade Russian military capabilities. for too long tonight Ukraine has launched an important operation in Bakhmut. dozens of Russian soldiers were captured in the operations that started simultaneously from 4 branches. There is great chaos in the trenches. Although the Russians seem to be more aggressive than usual, they continue to be in a difficult situation these days, when ammunition support has been cut off and they cannot get help from wagner. And on the other side. Ukrainian defenders repelled all Russian attacks near Berkhivka and Pervomaiske
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Fri Jul 14 2023 20:39:38 UTC
Trip to war, its military blog which one show you all lasts footages from war in Ukraine and monitoring all information to give its for you. That’s not official news channel, so i publicate only military content and I try to explain what is happening on the battlefield and show you the most interesting shots. Terrible War in Ukraine shows our how easy to death on the war, so you need to see it, for understanding what can real waiting you in World War. So if you searching for actual videos from war, you are welcome!
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Fri Jul 14 2023 20:00:10 UTC
Ukraine war video footage: Ukraine soldiers drop explosive on Russian weaponry causing HUGE explosion
Ukraine war news update today: This is the moment Russian weaponry is targeted by a drone from the 2nd Assault Battalion. The drone hovers above the weaponry that is located by a trench and drops two explosives onto the area causing a huge explosion.
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#TheMirror #News #Ukraine #UkraineWar
Fri Jul 14 2023 18:05:01 UTC