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Drone Warfare: Unmanned Ground Combat Vehicles in Modern Conflict 🤖⚔

War Zone OSINT:  Unmanned ground combat vehicles rise!  See the videos, explore the robotic future of conflict. Click to witness!

War Zone OSINT: Unmanned ground combat vehicles rise! See the videos, explore the robotic future of conflict. Click to witness!

Shadows on the Battlefield: Unmanned Ground Combat Vehicles Rise in Modern Conflict 🤖⚔

The biting winds whip across the scarred earth of Eastern Ukraine, a landscape now synonymous with a brutal, grinding conflict. But beneath the ever-present threat of artillery, a silent shift is occurring. The roar of tanks may still dominate the soundscape, but the whispers of a new kind of warfare are growing louder: the age of the Unmanned Ground Combat Vehicle (UGCV). These are not the fantastical robots of science fiction, but rather pragmatic tools forged in the fires of necessity and increasingly visible in the digital windows onto this war – the countless videos and reports emerging daily. Are these robotic platforms simply a technological sideshow, or are they poised to redefine the very nature of combat? This is the question echoing across the fields of Ukraine and the halls of military innovation, and a closer look at recent video evidence provides some stark answers.

Key Insights from the Digital Frontlines

Glimpses of a Robotic Future: Analysis and Emerging Trends

The videos collectively paint a compelling picture: UGCVs are not just a futuristic concept, but a rapidly evolving reality on the modern battlefield. Several trends emerge from this digital reconnaissance:

Gearing Up for the Future of Warfare

The digital echoes emanating from the conflict zones and defense expos offer a compelling preview of the future. Unmanned Ground Combat Vehicles are no longer confined to the realm of prototypes or experimental units. They are actively being deployed, tested, and refined in the crucible of modern conflict. The videos showcased here provide tangible evidence of their evolving capabilities and their growing significance in the strategic calculus of nations. Scroll down to explore the video highlights themselves and witness firsthand the dawn of a new era in warfare – one where the clank of tracks might soon be accompanied by the whir of electric motors, and the shadows on the battlefield might just be cast by machines.

Discover the curated videos below

How Ukraine tries to change the battlefield with ground drones | DW News
How Ukraine tries to change the battlefield with ground drones | DW News DW News
150,348 views | 1,474 | December 20 2024 16:08:41 (217 comments)[ Read more … ] As Russia’s war against Ukraine approaches its third anniversary, Kyiv has to innovate for its defence. It’s emerging as a testing ground for high-tech, cutting-edge drone warfare. Aerial and sea drones have already destroyed much of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet. But on land, drones are still in their infancy.

Chapters 00:00 Ukraine turns to ground drones in fight against Russia 04:20 Ulrike Franke, Drones and robots expert

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Ukraine conducted unique military operation against Russians using drones instead of infantry
Ukraine conducted unique military operation against Russians using drones instead of infantry Kanal13
33,474 views | 780 | December 23 2024 02:00:06 (20 comments)[ Read more … ] #Kanal13​ #likekanal13​ #subscribekanal13 #warinukraine – SUBSCRIBE TO US! Ukrainian forces successfully attacked Russian positions using only ground and first person view (FPV) drones instead of infantry, an army spokesperson claimed. Speaking on national TV, Sergeant Volodymyr Dehtiarov, spokesperson for the Khartiia Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, said “dozens of units of robotic and unmanned equipment” supported by surveillance drones were used in the assault near the village of Lyptsi, north of Kharkiv. Dehtiarov said the drones included ground systems equipped with machine guns, and kamikaze FPV drones. He did not specify when the attack took place. Commenting on the reports, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) said the attack highlighted the difference in attitude towards front line troops shown by Moscow and Kyiv. “Ukrainian officials have repeatedly highlighted Ukraine’s efforts to utilise technological innovations and asymmetric strike capabilities to offset Ukraine’s manpower limitations in contrast with Russia’s willingness to accept unsustainable casualty rates for marginal territorial gains,” the ISW said. ISW says that Russian military losses in its full-scale invasion of Ukraine have exceeded 750,000 Russian soldiers, and are expected to surpass 1 million Russian troops within six months, U.K. Under-Secretary of Defense Luke Pollard said. The U.K.’s latest estimate is in line with figures from Ukraine’s General Staff, which, as of Dec. 19, sits at 768,220 troops lost since the start of the war. The figures do not specify killed or wounded, though the overall consensus is that it includes dead, wounded, missing, and captured. “It is highly likely that they have sustained significant combat casualties, whilst only achieving limited tactical gains,” Pollard told British parliamentarians. Russia has gained ground in eastern Ukraine and Kursk Oblast in recent months but at the cost of heavy casualties. Russian losses reached record highs in November and December, with a daily high of 2,030 troops lost in November, marking the highest daily loss since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022. Russian losses exceeded 45,000 troops and $3 billion worth of equipment in November. President Volodymyr Zelensky revealed in a rare statement that Ukraine had lost 43,000 soldiers on the battlefield since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion. Ukraine is developing numerous new types of drone systems. Military tech developers created a new unmanned ground vehicle with the ability to carry explosives and drive under armored vehicles, the project’s spokesperson, Viktoriia Kovalchuk, told Business Insider on Oct. 25. The UGV, named Ratel S or Honey Badger, was developed as part of the Brave1 government initiative. The initiative was launched in April to invest in defense tech innovations that can be utilized by the Ukrainian military, as well as serve as a platform to connect the industry’s stakeholders. “The main idea is that the robot is used as a mobile warhead that carries anti-tank mines or other explosive devices,” said Kovalchuk, adding that it can run for 40–50 minutes at an average speed or for up to two hours at a slower speed. – click here and support Kanal13 monthly for distributing more videos and independent journalism & #lastminutenewsfromukraine #kanal13ukraine

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Tags: #Ukriane, #Russia, #Putin, #Putler, #Russian invasion of Ukraine, #Zelenski, #Kiev, #Kyiv, #Kadirov army, #Kadirov, #Kherson, #Bucha, #Kharkiv, #Ukrainian pilots, #vagners, #Russian tanks, #NATO, #drones, #Moscow, #Kreml, #war victims #Ukraina, News, The Washington Post, waPo Video, Washington Post Video, Washington Post YouTube, a:politics, aid, biden, putin, s:Politics, support, t:Other, Ukraine, war, fact check, news coverage, Donald Trump, news, wp video, forbes, nytimes, newspaper, media, journalism, Ilham Aliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan, Israel, Gaza, Palestine, Tel-Aviv, Garabag, Karabakh, football, ronaldo, messi, brian tyler cohen
NATO’s Trusted Unmanned Ground Vehicle #THeMIS #UGV #UnmannedGroundVehicle
NATO’s Trusted Unmanned Ground Vehicle #THeMIS #UGV #UnmannedGroundVehicle TechMil
10,765 views | 289 | December 13 2024 02:55:51 (2 comments)[ Read more … ] Discover the THeMIS, an innovative unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) from Milrem Robotics. With a payload capacity of up to 1,200 kilograms, hybrid propulsion for extended endurance, and superior terrain-handling capabilities, the THeMIS excels in logistics, reconnaissance, and casualty evacuation. Trusted by 16 countries, including eight NATO members like Germany, Estonia, and the U.S., this robotic marvel is transforming modern warfare with its versatility and reliability.

#THeMIS #UGV #UnmannedGroundVehicle #MilitaryTechnology #ModernWarfare #NATOTech #RoboticInnovation
#unmanned ground vehicles are all the rage at this year's #ausa2024 #weaponsandwarfare
#unmanned ground vehicles are all the rage at this year’s #ausa2024 #weaponsandwarfare Weapons and Warfare
2,437 views | 116 | October 23 2024 18:00:14 (5 comments)[ Read more … ] America’s military operations are constantly evolving. From boot camp to boots on the ground, investigative reporter Ryan Robertson provides in-depth coverage of international armed conflicts and the latest technological developments in weaponry worldwide. This is Weapons And Warfare.

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Tehditlerin üstüne AZMAN gidecek - AZMAN 6X6 unmanned ground vehicle Savunma Sanayi - defence - İKA
Tehditlerin st ne AZMAN gidecek – AZMAN 6X6 unmanned ground vehicle Savunma Sanayi – defence – İKA TEKNO SAVUNMA
9,240 views | 351 | November 1 2024 05:00:07 (12 comments)[ Read more … ] T rk savunma sanayi b nyesinde geliştirilen insansız kara ara larına bir yenisi eklendi.

Y ksekliği ayarlanabilen 6X6 Taktik Tekerlekli ve Hidrolik Tahrikli Mod ler Kara Taşıtı Azman, Hidroan tarafından geliştirildi.

1998 yılında hidrolik sistem reticisi olarak kurulan Hidroan, ge en s rede 35 bin metrekare kapalı alanda savunma sanayine y nelik sistem entegrat r , taşıyıcı silah platformları reticisi haline geldi.

Araştırma geliştirme alışmalarını 2018 yılında a ılan merkezinde s rd ren Hidroan, burada T BİTAK projesi olarak Azman 6X6 insansız kara aracını geliştirdi.

zel olarak tasarlanan bu ara , ok ama lı kullanım imkanları, y ksek manevra kabiliyeti ve zorlu arazi koşullarına uyum sağlayabilen hidrolik tahrik sistemi ile dikkat ekiyor.

Azman, eşitli muharebe koşullarında kullanılmak zere tasarım ve yazılım olarak benzersiz zellikleri ve barındırdığı g n m z gelişmiş teknolojileri sayesinde kullanıcısına stratejik avantajlar sunan yarı otonom bir keşif, g zetleme ve muharebe aracı olarak g rev yapacak.

Baz modeli tamamlanan araca mod ler yapısı sayesinde farklı yeni mod ller eklenebiliyor.

Yaklaşık 6 yıl s ren proje kapsamında yazılımı, dengeleme sistemleri şirket tarafından geliştirilen, 6 tekerden tahrikli, g vde y ksekliği 700 milimetreye kadar ayarlanabilen bir ara ortaya ıktı.

Y ks z ağırlığı 6 ton olan ara , 4,6 ton faydalı y k taşıyabiliyor. Azman, dizel ve elektrikli olarak toplam 300 kilometre menzile ulaşıyor, saatteki hızı da 35 kilometreyi buluyor.

Azman’ın tekerleri bağımsız s spansiyonla hareket edebiliyor. Dolayısıyla farklı arazi koşullarında, farklı y k değişimlerinde ara ok rahatlıkla hareketine devam edebiliyor. zerindeki elektrik motorlu tahrik sistemi ile sessiz alışma gereken g revler yerine getiriliyor. Ara ta ayrıca dizel motorlu tahrik sistemi bulunuyor. İki sistem otomatik olarak birbirlerine ge iş yapabiliyor.

Ara arazinin durumunu otomatik olarak algılayarak b t n tekerlerden ekiş sağlayacak şekilde kendisini ayarlıyor.

Ara zerindeki kamera ve sens rlerle n ndeki engelleri algılayıp uyarı veriyor.

Azman, coğrafi arazi konum haritalandırmasını kendisi yapabiliyor. Veri tabanından bu haritaları ekerek mevcut g zergah zerinde karşısına ıkabilecek engelleri nceden bilerek hareket ediyor.

Azman, 1,5 metreden geniş hendekleri, 1 metreden y ksek su birikintilerini ge ebiliyor.

T rk savunma sanayi 2024 yılında ASELSAN, ROKETSAN, HAVELSAN, TUSAŞ, Baykar, Otokar, FNSS, BMC, T BİTAK SAGE, ASFAT, MKE gibi şirket ve kurumların abalarıyla gelişimini s rd r yor.

#AZMAN #SavunmaSanayi #İnsansızAra #SavunmaSanayii #DefenseIndustry #Hidroan #TurkishDefenseIndustry #Turkish #T rkiye #6X6 #turkey #teknoloji #savunmsanayi2024 #İKA #defence #defense #military #army #armoredvehicle #militaryvehicles #AZMAN6X6 ——- A new one has been added to the unmanned land vehicles developed within the Turkish defence industry.

The height-adjustable 6X6 Tactical Wheeled and Hydraulically Driven Modular Land Vehicle Azman was developed by Hidroan.

Founded in 1998 as a hydraulic system manufacturer, Hidroan has become a system integrator for the defence industry and a manufacturer of carrier weapon platforms in a closed area of 35 thousand square metres. Continuing its research and development activities at its centre opened in 2018, Hidroan developed the Azman 6X6 unmanned land vehicle as a T BİTAK project.

This specially designed vehicle draws attention with its multi-purpose usage possibilities, high manoeuvrability and hydraulic drive system that can adapt to difficult terrain conditions.

Azman will serve as a semi-autonomous reconnaissance, surveillance and combat vehicle that offers strategic advantages to the user thanks to its unique design and software features and today’s advanced technologies. Thanks to its modular structure, different new modules can be added to the vehicle, whose base model has been completed.

Within the scope of the project, which lasted approximately six years, a vehicle with six-wheel drive, whose software and balancing systems were developed by the company, and whose body height can be adjusted up to 700 millimetres, emerged.
Most Powerful Military Weapons in Action  ▶13
Most Powerful Military Weapons in Action ▶13 WaVeTECH
21 views | 7 | December 24 2024 01:00:28 (13 comments)[ Read more … ] Most Powerful Military Weapons in Action ▶13 Witness the incredible power of the Most Powerful Military Weapons in Action as they dominate the battlefield with precision and force. From advanced missile systems to state-of-the-art tanks and fighter jets, these weapons showcase the true might of modern military technology. Watch as the Most Powerful Military Weapons in Action obliterate targets with unmatched speed and accuracy. Whether it’s land, sea, or air, these systems redefine warfare. Discover how nations rely on the Most Powerful Military Weapons in Action to protect their interests and maintain global stability. Join us on this thrilling journey to explore the raw power of the Most Powerful Military Weapons in Action, pushing the limits of innovation and destruction.

00:00 military weapons 00:31 Unmanned ground vehicle 01:07 air defense system 04:28 fighter 07:58 Multiple rocket launcher

— Subscribe: — Military Weapons PLAYLIST Music: Apex by Soundridemusic Link to Video: COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER Weave Tech does not fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect. We use under: Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “Fair Use” is permitted for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research. For any commercial/general/copyright inquiries #military #army #technology

About the Author

Patryk Alexander is an associate copy editor at, where he sharpens articles and helps keep the website's content clean and error-free. With a background in creative writing, Patryk brings a unique perspective to his editing that helps make's content engaging and informative. When he's not editing or writing, Patryk enjoys spending time with his family and exploring the great outdoors.

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