Dnipro Under Fire: ICBM Claims and Russia’s New Weaponry πŸ’₯

Dnipro rocked by suspected ICBM strike! πŸ’₯ Was it a new hypersonic missile?  Unverified footage & conflicting reports fuel debate.  Dive into the OSINT investigation to uncover the truth!  Learn more.

Dnipro Strikes: Dissecting the ICBM Debate

The November 21st attack on Dnipro has ignited a firestorm of debate and speculation. While Ukraine asserts Russia unleashed an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), Western officials offer a more cautious assessment, labeling it simply a "ballistic missile." Open-source video footage circulating online offers a chilling glimpse into the attack, showing a multiple re-entry vehicle – a hallmark of ICBMs. But the relatively low damage observed on the ground raises questions about the payload. Was it a small conventional warhead? A deliberate show of force with an inert payload? Or something else entirely? This multimedia investigation dives deep into the available footage, seeking answers amidst the fog of war. We analyze various perspectives – from veteran communities to international news outlets – to understand the true nature of the Dnipro attack and its implications for the ongoing conflict.

Blast Radius: Key Insights from the Front Lines

Whispers of Hypersonic War: A New Chapter?

The introduction of "Oreshnik" into the narrative – if confirmed – could mark a dangerous escalation in Russia’s offensive capabilities. Hypersonic missiles are notoriously difficult to intercept, adding a new dimension to the threat landscape. Whether the Dnipro strike served as a test-fire, a show of force, or a targeted attack remains a matter of speculation. However, the potential proliferation of such advanced weaponry raises serious concerns about the future trajectory of the conflict. Continued analysis of open-source data and official statements will be crucial to understanding the full scope of this emerging threat.

Ground Truth from Dnipro: A Deeper Look

This initial analysis only scratches the surface. To truly understand the complexity of the Dnipro attack and the evolving nature of this conflict, we must continue to dissect the available evidence. Scroll down now to delve into the raw footage, eyewitness reports, and expert commentary – gaining valuable firsthand insights from the heart of this ongoing conflict. The truth, as always, lies buried in the details.


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Russia launches suspected ICBM at Ukraine | New RAW Angle Added FUNKER530 – Veteran Community & Combat Footage
554,820 views | 7,402 | November 21 2024 20:34:20 (6,535 comments)[ Read more … ] UPDATE: We’ve re-uploaded this video to include an additional angle.

Russia launched what is suspected to be an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) at the Ukrainian City of Dnipro. Although Ukraine suggests it was an ICBM, and video shows the use of a multiple re-entry vehicle, Western officials have downplayed it as a “ballistic missile” but not and “ICBM”.

The payload appears to have either been a small conventional or even inert one, given the general lack of damage from the strike as seen in the aftermath of one of the strike locations. —— Ways to Support Us: πŸ“± Download Our App: https://funker530.app.link/AppDownload βœ… Funker530 Ad-Free https://funker530.com/pro πŸ“£ Join the Discussion: https://discord.gg/X9xhGsySZq
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Video Captures Russia’s Historic ICBM Attack On Ukraine | World Watches Putin’s Show of Force Hindustan Times
375,712 views | 4,283 | November 21 2024 16:01:33 (1,841 comments)[ Read more … ] A terrifying video of Russia’s alleged ICBM strike on Dnipro has gone viral, sparking global outrage. Ukraine claims an intercontinental ballistic missile was launched, marking a chilling escalation in the war. Damage to vital facilities and injuries have been confirmed, raising fears of a new era in warfare. Is this retaliation for Ukraine’s long-range strikes inside Russia? Watch now to know more.


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Ukraine claims Russia launched ICBM at eastern city of Dnipro CNN
414,369 views | 3,193 | November 21 2024 15:08:55 (5,039 comments)[ Read more … ] Ukraine’s military has accused Russia of launching an intercontinental ballistic missile in an attack on the city of Dnipro. The air force did not say what kind of ICBM was deployed and CNN has not been able to verify the claim. #CNN #News
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Oreshnik Stumps Ukraine Army; First Footage Of Never-Seen-Before Russian IRBM | Watch Times Of India
246,512 views | 2,601 | November 24 2024 17:46:03 (910 comments)[ Read more … ] Ukraine has revealed fragments of Russia’s newly deployed Oreshnik hypersonic ICBM used in a retaliatory strike on Dnipro on November 21. The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) displayed debris from the missile, which includes both large and tiny pieces, marking the first discovery of such fragments. Click to find out more.

#Oreshnik #HypersonicMissile #DniproStrike #UkraineRussiaWar #Zelensky #Putin #Russia #Ukraine #AirDefense

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Bak Meteor! Rudal ‘Oreshnik’ Rusia Belah Langit Kazakshstan Sebelum Hantam Dnipro Ukraina Serambinews
513,272 views | 4,099 | November 23 2024 09:28:16 (1,526 comments)[ Read more … ] Download aplikasi berita TribunX di Play Store atau App Store untuk dapatkan pengalaman baru

SERAMBINEWS.COM – Rusia meluncurkan rudal hipersonik terbarunya yakni ‘Oreshnik’ ke Kota Dnipro Ukraina pada Kamis (21/11/2024).

Serangan itu sebagai balasan lantaran Ukraina menggunakan rudal ATACMS Amerika Serikat untuk menyerang Rusia.

Imbas serangan rudal hipersonik terbaru milik Rusia itu, kini Kota Dnipro Ukraina diselimuti ledakan dan kobaran api.

Dikutip dari Kyiv Independent via Tribunnews, Sabtu (23/11/2024), pasukan Rusia dikonfirmasi telah menggunakan ‘Oreshnik’ dalam serangannya ke kota Dnipro, Ukraina.

Adapun detik-detik peluncuran rudal hipersonik Oreshnik Rusia tersebut beredar di media sosial.

Banyak pihak yang menyoroti rudal Oreshnik terlihat sangat besar dan mencekam ketika membelah langit Kazakhstan layaknya meteor.

Sekedar informasi, Kazakhstan terletak di perbatasan Rusia di sebelah Barat dan Utara.

Sehingga warga Kazakhstan dapat melihat dengan jelas peluncuran rudal Oreshnik yang diarahkan ke Dnipro, Ukraina.

Sementara itu, Kota Dnipro sendiri diketahui memiliki beberapa markas pasukan militer Ukraina, sehingga menjadi target sah operasi penyerangan Rusia.

Beredar pula rekaman CCTV yang memperlihatkan detik-detik markas militer Ukraina di Dnipro itu dihujani rudal-rudal Oreshnik tanpa ampun.

Bahkan beberapa rekaman video amatir dari warga memperlihatkan ledakan dahsyat Oreshnik yang disebut setara dengan kekuatan nuklir.(*)

Narator: Dara Nazila Editor: Teuku Fauzan

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Detik-detik Serangan Balik Rusia, Perdana Luncurkan Rudal Balistik Ganas ke Dnipro Ukraina Tribunnews
244,806 views | 2,349 | November 22 2024 03:53:11 (783 comments)[ Read more … ] Download aplikasi berita TribunX di Play Store atau App Store untuk dapatkan pengalaman baru

TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM – Pertama kalinya, Rusia meluncurkan rudal balistik jarak menengah hipersonik ke kota Dnipro Ukraina pada Kamis (21/11).

Rudal tersebut merupakan senjata baru yang dikembangkan Rusia dengan nama sandi Oreshnik.

Adapun serangan dahsyat ini sebagai respons atas tindakan AS dan Inggris yang mengizinkan Ukraina menggempur wilayah Rusia dengan senjata canggih Barat.

Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin mengklaim serangan rudal tersebut sukses menghantam fasilitas militer Ukraina.

Putin memperingatkan Ukraina dan AS bahwa serangan yang lebih menyakitkan akan segera menyusul.

(Tribun-Video.com) https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-launches-intercontinental-ballistic-missile-attack-ukraine-kyiv-says-2024-11-21/

Program: Tribunnews Update Host: Rima Anggi Editor Video:Β Nur Rohman Urip Uploader: bagus gema praditiya sukirman

About the Author

Patryk Alexander is an associate copy editor at 4kVideoDrones.com, where he sharpens articles and helps keep the website's content clean and error-free. With a background in creative writing, Patryk brings a unique perspective to his editing that helps make 4kVideoDrones.com's content engaging and informative. When he's not editing or writing, Patryk enjoys spending time with his family and exploring the great outdoors.

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