Do you want to help the people of Ukraine in this terrible time of tragic violence? If you wish to donate to Ukraine, the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees urgently needs your help to continue providing life-saving protection to families forced to flee their homes in Ukraine.
UNHCR is providing protection and humanitarian assistance, including emergency shelters, repairs for homes damaged by shelling, emergency cash assistance, and protection such as psychological support.
UNHCR has stepped up operations and capacity in Ukraine and neighboring countries. They actively supporting all affected populations in Ukraine and countries in the region.

Your support can help ensure that families from Ukraine forced to flee their homes will be sheltered and safe.
Monthly gifts help UNHCR save more families forced to flee. By making a monthly donation to UNHCR, you will provide refugees with ongoing relief and protection and help them regain hope for a better future.
With your help, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency can give refugees what we’d want for ourselves and our loved ones. Protection from harm. Shelter. Food. Water. Blankets. Medical supplies. The chance to go to school and the hope of a future.
But they can’t do it without the support of people like you.
Please give what you can to help refugee families.
How Does UNHCR Help Refugees From Ukraine?
With teams across Ukraine and in neighbouring countries hosting refugees from Ukraine, UNHCR is providing protection and humanitarian assistance, including emergency shelters, repairs for homes damaged by shelling, emergency cash assistance, and protection such as psychological support. Winter relief is also provided for displaced people in need as temperatures plummet, such as high thermal blankets.
What Can I Do To Help Refugees From Ukraine?

Monthly gifts help UNHCR save more families forced to flee. By making a monthly donation to UNHCR, you will provide refugees with ongoing relief and protection and help them regain hope for a better future.
UNHCR has stockpiles of aid already inside Ukraine and more life-saving items being shipped to neighbouring countries as we speak. UNHCR urgently needs cash donations to help fulfill these supplies and to provide cash assistance directly to refugees from Ukraine and those who are displaced within the country so they can purchase the essentials they need. Your gift will make a huge difference in the life of a refugee or an internally displaced person. UNHCR teams are on the ground right now working with forcibly displaced people and providing them with life-saving aid, shelter and protection support. For company donations please write to
What Do Refugees From Ukraine Need?
The UNHCR Results Framework defines basic needs in terms of access to basic services and assistance in health, nutrition, WASH, food, shelter, energy, education, as well as domestic items and specialised services for people with specific needs.
In the event that the UNHCR Ukraine emergency response becomes fully funded, your donation will provide life-saving support to people forced to flee in emergencies worldwide.

Pakkin Leung, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
How does UNHCR spend my donation?
Your money helps UNHCR provide protection, shelter and other forms of assistance, and advocacy on behalf of displaced and stateless people every year. UNHCR ensures that as many funds as possible are redirected to refugees, stateless persons and asylum-seekers. 85 per cent of all funds raised go directly to field operations. 7 per cent is allocated for global programmes, helping refugees, internally displaced people, asylum seekers and stateless people under the UNHCR mandate around the world, and 8 per cent is for headquarters administration. UNHCR staff work as closely as possible with and for people forced to flee, with 90 per cent of our workforce based in field locations. For further details on UNHCR’s budget, read our Global Report., CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
What is the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees?
The office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) was created in 1950, during the aftermath of the Second World War, to help millions of Europeans who had fled or lost their homes. The UNHCR had three years to complete their work and then disband.
Today, over 70 years later, the organization is still hard at work, protecting and assisting refugees around the world.
The start of the 21st century has seen UNHCR help with major refugee crises in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. UNHCR has also been asked to use their expertise to help many internally displaced by conflict and expanded their role in helping stateless people. In some parts of the world, such as Africa and Latin America, the 1951 Refugee Convention has been strengthened by additional regional legal instruments.
UNHCR now has more than 17,878 personnel working in 132 countries. The UNHCR budget, which in its first year was US$300,000, grew to US$8.6 billion in 2019.
How Can I Volunteer for UNHCR?
To find volunteer opportunities with UNHCR, contact your nearest local office. Find a list of local offices here. Within the wider United Nations system, consider becoming a UN Volunteer. Learn more about volunteering on the UN Volunteers page. UN Volunteers must be at least 25 years old and have at least 2 years of work experience.
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