Drone footage shows Ukrainian forces using drones to destroy Russian positions

Drone footage shows Ukrainian forces using drones to destroy Russian positions in Ukraine

The following article analyzes drone footage from the last 24 hours of the war in Ukraine. The videos show Ukrainian forces using drones to attack Russian positions and equipment, with devastating results.

One video shows a Ukrainian drone destroying a Russian base in Avdeyevka, killing and wounding dozens of Russian soldiers. The drone flew undetected over the base and dropped a bomb on a barracks, causing a large explosion.

Another video shows Ukrainian drone operators targeting a Russian truck in the vicinity of Kovalivka. The drone fired a missile at the truck, disabling it. The truck was carrying supplies for Russian troops, so its destruction would have disrupted their operations.


A third video shows Ukrainian forces using a drone to storm Russian trenches in Donetsk. The drone dropped grenades on the trenches, killing or capturing dozens of Russian soldiers. The attack caught the Russians by surprise and caused them to flee the trenches.

A fourth video shows a Ukrainian drone destroying a Russian artillery unit in Donetsk. The drone fired a missile at the artillery unit, destroying it and preventing it from shelling Ukrainian positions. The destruction of the artillery unit would have made it more difficult for the Russians to attack Ukrainian forces.

A fifth video shows Ukrainian forces using drones to wipe out Russian tanks and forces in the Bakhmut region. The drones fired missiles at the tanks, destroying them and killing or wounding the Russian troops inside. The attack was a major setback for the Russians and forced them to withdraw from the area.

Key Points:

The videos show the increasing importance of drones in the war in Ukraine. Ukrainian forces are using drones to great effect, inflicting heavy losses on Russian forces and disrupting their operations. The videos also show the brutality of the war, with dozens of Russian soldiers killed or wounded in each attack.

Here are some additional details that I found from the videos:

The videos are a grim reminder of the human cost of the war in Ukraine. However, they also show the determination of the Ukrainian people to fight for their freedom. I invite you to scroll down and watch these uncut, raw and uncensored videos from the war in Ukraine.  

Drone Footage from the last 24 hours

Russian base is hit in Avdeyevka – Drone footage shows destroyed building and fleeing Russians

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Sat Aug 19 2023 9:00:08 UTC

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Tags: Ukriane, Russia, Putin, Putler, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Zelenski, Kiev, Kyiv, Kadirov army, Kadirov, Kherson, Bucha, Kharkiv, Ukrainian pilots, vagners, Russian tanks, NATO, drones, Moscow, Kreml, war victims Ukraina,

Drones operators Ukrainian 43rd Mechanized Brigade target Russia truck in the vicinity of Kovalivka

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Sat Aug 19 2023 2:00:05 UTC

Drone operators Ukrainian 43rd Mechanized Brigade targeting a Russian truck in the vicinity of Kovalivka, #Luhansk Oblast.
Show more Drone operators Ukrainian 43rd Mechanized Brigade targeting a Russian truck in the vicinity of Kovalivka, #Luhansk Oblast..#ukraine #russia #ukrainewar

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Horrible footage!! Ukraine k-2 battalion brutally storm trenches & kills Russian soldiers in Donetsk

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Sat Aug 19 2023 0:15:02 UTC

Today A video surfaced on social media, which shows Ukraine k-2 battalion brutally storm trenches & kills Russian soldiers in …
Show more Today A video surfaced on social media, which shows Ukraine k-2 battalion brutally storm trenches & kills Russian soldiers in Donetsk. The attack was carried out by Ukrainian elite troops, The battle at Bakhmut in which thousands of Putin’s troops died, according to a further video. This was a tactic similar to that common during Ukraina war.

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Horrible footage!! Ukrainian drone destroyed 200 Russian Soldiers Kherson region.

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Fri Aug 18 2023 21:00:22 UTC

Ukraine #Ukrainewar #DefenseDaily @DDaily20 Horrible footage!! Ukrainian drone destroyed 200 Russian Soldiers Kherson …
Show more #Ukraine #Ukrainewar #DefenseDaily @DDaily20

Horrible footage!! Ukrainian drone destroyed 200 Russian Soldiers Kherson region.

Ukrainian media outlets reported that the strike took place on Dzharylhach island, a 26-mile-long sandbank in the Black Sea that’s part of the Russian-occupied Kherson region. The country recently set up training grounds for active military units to recover and train on the island, The Institute for the Study of War reported.

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Wowwwww! Drones footage show Ukrainian Forces Storming of Russia Artillery in Donetsk

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Fri Aug 18 2023 20:22:46 UTC

Drones footage show Ukrainian Forces Storming of Russia Artillery in DonetskHello everyone “welcome to Brutalfootage …
Show more Drones footage show Ukrainian Forces Storming of Russia Artillery in DonetskHello everyone “welcome to Brutalfootage channels”. Again, the action of the Ukrainian army that managed to destroy the Russian artillery unit in the Donetsk region, getting closer to victory for the Kyiv fighting forces. This is the greatness of Ukrainian combat units where their battles are always in the public spotlight.#ukraine #russia #ukrainewar

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Ukrainian forces wipe out Russian tanks and forces with FPV drones

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Fri Aug 18 2023 20:15:02 UTC

Ukrainian forces wipe out Russian tanks and forces with FPV drones In the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, FPV drones …
Show more Ukrainian forces wipe out Russian tanks and forces with FPV drones

In the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, FPV drones (First-Person View) have been substantially utilized by both sides, with such drones being equipped with improvised warheads to effectively target armored vehicles, fortifications, and the personnel within them. The successful usage of these UAVs appears to have led Moscow to develop and implement an electronic defense system on Russian tanks to safeguard them from FPV drones. ukraine war video footage,ukraine war,ukraine drone,ukraine drone attack,ukraine,ukraine footage ,ukraine drone footage,ukraine news, ukraine war news update today,ukraine war footage,ukraine war news ,Ukriane, Russia, Putin, Putler, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Zelenski, Kiev, Kyiv, Kadirov army, Kadirov, Kherson, Bucha, Kharkiv, Ukrainian pilots, vagners, Russian tanks, NATO, drones, Moscow, Kreml, war victims Ukraina,

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About the Author

Patryk Alexander is an associate copy editor at 4kVideoDrones.com, where he sharpens articles and helps keep the website's content clean and error-free. With a background in creative writing, Patryk brings a unique perspective to his editing that helps make 4kVideoDrones.com's content engaging and informative. When he's not editing or writing, Patryk enjoys spending time with his family and exploring the great outdoors.

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