Welcome to the latest news on Ukraine’s counteroffensive against Russian occupation! The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been raging in the region for years, and with the help of drones, both sides have been able to gain an advantage in the battle. In this page, we have highlighted the most recent and revealing videos taken from the frontlines, offering insight into the ongoing conflict. Read on to get an overview of the key takeaways from these videos and scroll down to view the footage yourself.

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Today’s Ukraine Drone Footage Takeaways
• A Ukrainian FPV kamikaze drone was used to destroy a Russian video surveillance complex.
• Horrible footage showed Ukrainian K-2 Battalion brutally shooting Russian troops that fled from Bakhmut.
• Ukrainian drones dropped bombs that brutally blew up Russian troops near Bakhmut.
• Russian artillery strikes obliterated Ukrainian soldiers with incredible drone footage.
Scroll down to view the highlighted videos and get a first-hand look at the conflict in Ukraine.
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Drone Footage from the last 24 hours
Tue Jul 11 2023 3:52:27 UTC
Ukraine Russia war
Tue Jul 11 2023 3:00:11 UTC
War in Ukraine /Война на Украине
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*DISCLAIMER* This footage is part of an war archive and should be viewed as educational. This footage is not meant to glorify war or violence. I am only sharing this footage for the purposes of news reporting and educating. This is a war documentary.
#Ukraine #warUkraine #UkraineRussia #warUkraineRussia #Russia #war #warinEurope #украина #войнасукраиной #украинароссия #войнаукраинароссия #россия
Tue Jul 11 2023 0:15:04 UTC
Today A video surfaced on social media, which shows Ukrainian K-2 Battalion brutally shot Russian troops they fled from Bakhmut. The attack was carried out by Ukrainian elite troops, The battle at Bakhmut in which thousands of Putin’s troops died, according to a further video. This was a tactic similar to that common during Ukraina war.
Thanks For Watching The Thumbnails/Videos are for illustrative purposes only.
#ukrainewar #bakhmut #russia #battalion #drone
ukraine,ukraine war,war in ukraine,ukraine news,russia ukraine,K-2 Battalion brutally kills Russian troops,ukraine war video footage,Ukrainian K-2 Battalion brutally shot Russian troops they fled from Bakhmut,K-2 Battalion Takes position,close combat,Battalions,ukraine drone,Bakhmut,K-2 Battalions kills russian soldiers,Ukrainian K-2 Battalion,ukraine footage,K-2 Battalions,ukraine war news,K-2,russia troops,ukraine war today,nga ukraine mới nhất,ARM0903
Mon Jul 10 2023 20:15:02 UTC
Ukrainian drones dropping Bomb Brutally blows up Russian troops near Bakhmut. What started as Vladimir Putin’s tank invasion of Ukraine’s land has slowly morphed into a struggle for domination of its skies. But instead of pilots and jets, Russia and Ukraine are scrambling to outdo the other with increasingly sophisticated unmanned aerial vehicle systems. Whoever dominates this emerging theatre will go a long way to winning the war ukraine war video footage,ukraine war,ukraine drone,ukraine drone attack,ukraine, ukraine war video footage latest,ukraine drone footage,ukraine news, ukraine war news update today,ukraine war footage
Thanks For Watching The Thumbnail/Videos are for illustrasion purpose only
#russiaukraineconflict #ukrainerussiawar #ukraine #ukraine #russia #war #news #ukrainerussiawar #russiaukraineconflict #politicalnews
Mon Jul 10 2023 19:54:25 UTC
In this jaw-dropping video, we witness the devastating power of Russian artillery strikes as they annihilate a group of Ukrainian soldiers. With the assistance of two highly advanced reconnaissance drones, the precision and accuracy of the artillery strikes are truly astonishing. Even the attempts made by the Ukrainian soldiers to conceal themselves deep within the dense tree lines prove futile against the relentless assault.
This captivating footage captures the moment when the Russian artillery precisely targets a Ukrainian BMP armored vehicle, obliterating it and wiping out the entire group of soldiers in its vicinity. The sheer force and effectiveness of the strikes leave no doubt about the devastating impact of modern warfare.
With a focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO), this video description ensures your content stands out from the competition, allowing viewers to easily find and engage with your video. Witness firsthand the intense and dramatic scenes of military conflict and technological prowess in this exclusive footage.
Prepare to be astounded as the reconnaissance drones guide the Russian artillery, ensuring each strike hits its target with remarkable accuracy. Gain insights into the tactics and capabilities employed by modern military forces, and uncover the intricate details of this intense battlefield encounter.
SUBSCRIBE now to our channel for more extraordinary and exclusive footage, revealing the untold stories from the front lines of conflicts around the world. Don’t miss out on this unparalleled look into the realm of military technology and warfare.
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Mon Jul 10 2023 19:51:37 UTC
Russia Munity_ Wagner Rebellion Explained Ukraine drone footage