Ukrainian drones wreak havoc on Russian forces πŸ’₯

Ukrainian drones destroy Russian vehicles

The Ukrainian military has been using drones to great effect in its war against Russia. In recent days, there have been several videos released showing Ukrainian drones destroying Russian vehicles, tanks, and ships. These videos are a testament to the effectiveness of drones in modern warfare.

One video shows a Ukrainian drone destroying a Russian BMP-1AM infantry fighting vehicle. The drone is able to evade Russian air defenses and strike with precision, hitting the BMP-1AM in the rear, causing it to burst into flames.

Another video shows a Ukrainian drone destroying a Russian landing ship. The drone flies low over the water and strikes the ship in the hull, causing it to sink.


These are just two examples of the many videos that have been released showing the destructive power of Ukrainian drones. The drones are proving to be a major turning point in the war, giving Ukraine a significant advantage.

In addition to destroying Russian vehicles and ships, Ukrainian drones are also being used to gather intelligence and coordinate attacks. They are also being used to target Russian supply lines, making it more difficult for the Russian military to operate.

The use of drones by Ukrainian forces is a major development in the war. The drones are proving to be very effective at attacking Russian targets, and they are giving Ukraine a much-needed advantage. I encourage you to scroll down and watch the videos to see for yourself the destructive power of these drones.


Here are some additional details about the videos:

The use of drones by Ukrainian forces is a major development in the war. The drones are proving to be very effective at attacking Russian targets, and they are giving Ukraine a much-needed advantage. It is likely that we will see more and more use of drones in the war in the coming days and weeks. I encourage you to scroll down and watch the videos to see for yourself the destructive power of these drones.

Drone Footage from the last 24 hours

Ukrainian Forces blow up Russian vehicle with makeshift drones

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Thu Aug 17 2023 8:27:02 UTC

Ukrainian Forces blow up Russian vehicle with makeshift drones Additional videos are emerging of the Russian withdrawal from …
Show more Ukrainian Forces blow up Russian vehicle with makeshift drones

Additional videos are emerging of the Russian withdrawal from Urozhaine over the past week, painting a fairly messy picture.

Seen here, a Russian BMP-1AM desperately tries to evade a Ukrainian FPV loitering munition while moving south from the town, eventually failing to do so#ukraine #russia #bakhmut #ukrainewar ================================================= VIDEOS AND IMAGE/THUMBNAIL — JUST ILLUSTRATION __________________________________________________________ SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL BY SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, & SHARE ================================================= brutal footage,ukraine war 2023,russia ukraine war,ukraine war video footage,ukraine,ukraine war,ukraine war drone,ukraine drone,ukraine russia news,war in ukraine,russia ukraine,bakhmut ukraine,bakhmut,ukraine army,ukraine front lines,ukraine russia,ukraine news,ukraine front lines fighting,ukraine war news,ukraine trenches bakhmut,russia,ukraine footage,ukraine bakhmut,russian,bakhmut battle,russia vs ukraine war update,bakhmut footage,Ukraine war 2023 news,Ukraine war 2023 Maps,ukraine war 2023 footage,Ukraine war 2023 Reddit,Ukraine war 2023 YouTube,Ukraine war 2023 video,Ukraine war 2023 outlook,Ukraine war 2023 timeline

Horrible footage!! Ukrainian K-2 battalion brutally kills Russian soldiers at Robotyne

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Thu Aug 17 2023 0:34:47 UTC

Today A video surfaced on social media, which shows Ukrainian K-2 battalion brutally kills Russian soldiers at Robotyne.
Show more Today A video surfaced on social media, which shows Ukrainian K-2 battalion brutally kills Russian soldiers at Robotyne. The attack was carried out by Ukrainian elite troops, The battle at Bakhmut in which thousands of Putin’s troops died, according to a further video. This was a tactic similar to that common during Ukraina war.

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#ukrainewar #battalion #bakhmut #russia #drone

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Ukraine shows off drone footage from Crimea bridge attack : Crimea Bridge Assault Footage Revealed

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Thu Aug 17 2023 0:10:19 UTC

CrimeaBridgeAttack #SeaBabyDrone #UkraineSecurityService #InnovativeWarfare #RemoteControlledAssault …
Show more #CrimeaBridgeAttack #SeaBabyDrone #UkraineSecurityService #InnovativeWarfare #RemoteControlledAssault #MaritimeDestruction #VasylMaliuk #SBUOperations #RussiaUkraineConflict #UnmannedDroneStrike

In a harrowing event that unfolded on July 17, a devastating assault on the Crimea bridge resulted in the loss of two innocent lives and significant infrastructure damage. The Ukrainian security service (SBU) has taken the opportunity to unveil compelling visual evidence detailing the exact execution of this operation.

The central figure in this operation was the autonomous maritime suicide drone known as the ‘Sea Baby.’ Vasyl Maliuk, the esteemed leader of the SBU, emphasized the innovative nature of the ‘sea surface drones,’ attributing their creation to the ingenuity of the Security Service of Ukraine. Remarkably, Maliuk also disclosed that Ukraine’s allies from the West had expressed keen interest in this exceptional remotely controlled watercraft.

The ‘Sea Baby’ was not only instrumental in the attack on the Crimea bridge but was also employed to target the Russian oil tanker ‘Sig,’ leading to significant ramifications. Moreover, experts believe it played a pivotal role in the infliction of substantial damage upon the Olenegorsky Gornyak landing ship, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.
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Horrible footage (Aug 17) Russian kamikaze drone strike destroys German Leopard 2 tank in Ukraine

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Wed Aug 16 2023 21:15:00 UTC

Russian kamikaze drone strike destroys German Leopard 2 tank in Ukraine. Last month, one of Ukraine’s Leopard 2 tanks was …
Show more Russian kamikaze drone strike destroys German Leopard 2 tank in Ukraine.

Last month, one of Ukraine’s Leopard 2 tanks was destroyed by the Russian army in Zaporizhzhia Oblast. According to open-source intelligence group Ukraine Weapons Tracker, the MBT was targeted by a Russian FPV unmanned aerial vehicle.
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15 minutes ago!! Russian forces dead totally slaughter by drones Ukraine as they fled trench

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Wed Aug 16 2023 20:15:01 UTC

Russian forces dead totally slaughter by drones Ukraine as they fled trench Small drones have proven extremely critical for …
Show more Russian forces dead totally slaughter by drones Ukraine as they fled trench

Small drones have proven extremely critical for Ukraine’s war effort against a numerically larger Russian conventional force. Seeing over a ridge to detect approaching enemy armored vehicles, detecting enemy troop formations moving within condensed urban areas or simply alerting advancing infantry and armor units with real-time video and data of upcoming terrain are all critical functions small drones continue to perform in Ukraine. ukraine war video footage,ukraine war,ukraine drone,ukraine drone attack,ukraine,ukraine footage ,ukraine drone footage,ukraine news, ukraine war news update today,ukraine war footage,ukraine war news ,Ukriane, Russia, Putin, Putler, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Zelenski, Kiev, Kyiv, Kadirov army, Kadirov, Kherson, Bucha, Kharkiv, Ukrainian pilots, vagners, Russian tanks, NATO, drones, Moscow, Kreml, war victims Ukraina,

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Ukraine releases footage of Sea Baby underwater drone attacking a Russian landing ship and tanker

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Wed Aug 16 2023 18:14:04 UTC

hopetv #HopeTv #russiaukraine #warinukraine #russiaukrainewar #russiaukrainecrisis #russianarmy #russianfishing4 …
Show more #hopetv #HopeTv #russiaukraine #warinukraine #russiaukrainewar #russiaukrainecrisis #russianarmy #russianfishing4 #russiavsukraine #ukraine #ukrainewar #ukrainenews #ukrainerussia #ukrainecrisis #ukraineunderattack

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Patryk Alexander is an associate copy editor at, where he sharpens articles and helps keep the website's content clean and error-free. With a background in creative writing, Patryk brings a unique perspective to his editing that helps make's content engaging and informative. When he's not editing or writing, Patryk enjoys spending time with his family and exploring the great outdoors.

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