Watch Uncensored Drone Footage of Ukrainian Army Wreaking Havoc on Russian Troops πŸ”₯

Discover the devastating effects of Ukrainian drone footage in the conflict in Ukraine. Get an unfiltered look at the Ukrainian effort with videos highlighting the latest drone footage from the war. Learn about the current state of the conflict and what to expect in the coming weeks. πŸ”₯πŸ’£πŸš

The conflict in Ukraine continues to simmer and the Ukrainian army has been waging a fierce battle against Russian forces. Uncensored Ukraine drone footage provides an unfiltered look at the Ukrainian effort – and the devastating effects of their attacks. On this page, we’ll be highlighting the latest drone footage from the Ukraine war. From the footage, we can glean insight into the current state of the conflict, as well as what to expect in the coming weeks.

Key Takeaways from these Videos

Trends indicate that Ukrainian drones have been playing an increasingly important role in the conflict. This is especially true in recent weeks, as the Ukrainian military has been using their drones to inflict significant damage on Russian forces. This suggests that drone attacks are likely to continue to be a primary tactic for the foreseeable future.

In conclusion, the latest drone footage provides an unfiltered look into the Ukrainian effort and the devastating effects of their attacks. From these videos, we can gain insight into the current state of the conflict and what to expect in the coming weeks. Scroll down to view the highlighted videos and get a glimpse of the Ukrainian army’s fight against Russian forces.


Drone Footage from the last 24 hours


12 Jul: FOOTAGE: Ukrainians WREAK HAVOC ON THE RUSSIAN DEFENSES | War in Ukraine Explained

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Thu Jul 13 2023 5:03:25 UTC

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I am Ukrainian. My country has been invaded by Russia. In this video I will tell you what happened on the five hundred fourth day of the war.

Day 504: Jul 12

Today the biggest news comes from the south.

Here, Ukrainian forces continue exploiting Russian rigidities by conducting an effective war of attrition, and it is finally bringing major results. Last time I told you that a Russian soldier said in an interview that right now, Ukrainians are focused on draining accumulated Russian ammunition, equipment, and reserves.

One of the tactics that Ukrainians use is to trigger Russian artillery with small assaults, track them down with reconnaissance drones, and destroy them by conducting HIMARS strikes. It seems like this proved to be an extremely effective tactic because, over the last week, based only on the available footage, Ukrainians destroyed more than 20 artillery and air defense systems only in the Orikhiv direction.

A recent video shows how Ukrainians identified and destroyed two artillery systems Uragan, together with the trucks that delivered them ammunition. Uragan is one of the best Russian artillery systems that uses much bigger caliber shells and has a range almost twice of Grad systems. The video shows how the first rocket destroyed a truck with equipment, and less than 2 seconds later, another rocket hit Uragan itself. The same day, Ukrainians spotted another Uragan in a tree line – they immediately targeted the ammunition depot and the Uragan system, causing it to detonate.

Ukrainian fighters from the 44th Artillery Brigade published a video showing how they hunted down several more artillery systems a few days prior. Ukrainian drone operator noticed the movement of a Grad system, waited until it got to the shelter, and then gave the coordinates for the strike. The same day he found another artillery system Msta-S, awkwardly hiding in a tree line. Lastly, closer to the night, another artillery position was revealed – this time, it was the position of Gitsint-B. The site rapidly caught on fire, as the ammunition storage nearby also got hit.

Russian forces published a video of the aftermath of a HIMARS strike on Giatsint-B. Russian soldiers said that the artillery system basically evaporated, leaving just a crater where it was stationed. Around 25 meters away, they found the gun of the artillery system that got stuck in the ground.

There are many more videos of other successful HIMARS strikes on Russian artillery systems, and all of this means one thing – the ability of the Russians to provide artillery support and conduct counterbattery fire rapidly decreases. Ukrainians took advantage of that, especially the lack of counterbattery fire, and brought their own Grad systems closer to the front to fire at Russian trenches and fortifications. Ukrainians also know that Russian commanders are not allowed to make rotations, and those troops who stay on the zero line, stay there till the end. Such conditions are detrimental to the morale of the soldiers, who know that they will not be replaced, that the flying above them HIMARS rockets are about to destroy more Russian artillery systems, leaving them with even less support, and that sooner or later they will die from Ukrainian artillery.

The commander of the Russian 58th Combined-Arms Army, Major General Ivan Popov, who is basically responsible for the hottest front, wanted to break the bureaucratic machine of the Russian Ministry of Defense and solve these problems once and for all. He got fired by the Chief of the Russian General Staff, Gerasimov, the same day. Popov was shocked and recorded an audio message to explain what happened.

He said that during the meeting with the High Commanders, instead of bringing to the table yet another positive report, he said that his troops are in need of rotation after fighting in combat for a long time and suffering significant casualties and that Russian counterbattery fire is horrible and virtually nonexistent, which is why Ukrainians are gradually getting an edge. When his concerns were dismissed, Popov threatened to appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin with his complaint. Gerasimov accused Popov of alarmism and blackmail and fired him on the spot.

The Russian Ministry of Defense did not like Popov from the beginning because he was breaking a lot of rules and acted without the permission of the General Staff. For example, he created and supplied himself the first Russian drone detachments in the Zaporizhia region.
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Drone footage shows bombardment of Russian position near Bakhmut, Ukrainian army says

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Fri Jun 9 2023 17:17:04 UTC

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Tags: Ukriane, Russia, Putin, Putler, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Zelenski, Kiev, Kyiv, Kadirov army, Kadirov, Kherson, Bucha, Kharkiv, Ukrainian pilots, vagners, Russian tanks, NATO, drones, Moscow, Kreml, war victims Ukraina,

Ukraine drones destroy over dozen Russian troops in foxholes near Bakhmut

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Thu May 4 2023 20:15:00 UTC

Ukraine drones destroy over dozen Russian troops in foxholes near Bakhmut. Footage shows Ukrainian drones drop bombs on …
Show more Ukraine drones destroy over dozen Russian troops in foxholes near Bakhmut. Footage shows Ukrainian drones drop bombs on Russian troops in foxholes with devastating results ukraine war video footage,ukraine war,ukraine drone,ukraine drone attack,ukraine, ukraine war video footage latest,ukraine drone footage,ukraine news, ukraine war news update today

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Footage Enemy!! Ukrainian drones grenades destroy dozens Russian soldiers in around frontline trench

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Fri Apr 28 2023 19:17:00 UTC

Ukrainian drones grenades destroy dozens Russian soldiers in around frontline trench. A video shows a Ukrainian battalion …
Show more Ukrainian drones grenades destroy dozens Russian soldiers in around frontline trench.

A video shows a Ukrainian battalion drones fighting off Russian troops in close-combat trench warfare.
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21 Mar: FOOTAGE: Ukrainians DESTROY Russians HIDING IN THE TREES | War in Ukraine Explained

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Wed Mar 22 2023 1:40:42 UTC

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I am a Ukrainian. My country has been invaded by Russia. In this video I will tell you what happened on the three hundred and ninety first day of the war.

Day 391: March 21

Today there are a lot of updates from the east. Here, Russian forces are continuously assaulting all Ukrainian defenses that stand in their way of taking the Bakhmut group into a pocket. But such a high number of assaults also allowed Ukrainian defenders to evolve extremely rapidly, and now Ukrainian reconnaissance and HIMARS crews are destroying up to 3 Russian assault units per day before they even launch their assaults.

Last time I told you that Ukrainians have the most active stance in the southern part of the region around Ivanivske. I also told you that Ukrainians are reportedly conducting localized counterattacks in three separate directions in order to push Russians as far from the Ivanivske highway as possible.

The freshest reports suggest that Ukrainians have achieved notable results. Previously, Ukrainians maintained positions on the highlands around Ivanivske and counterattacked Russians that entered the approaches to the hills. Today Russian sources reported that Ukrainians conducted a bigger attack. Freshly released footage confirms that there were fierce fights in the forest near Bakhmut. Some sources claimed Ukrainians not only pushed Russians out of the trees in front of the hill but also established their positions there and significantly diminished the ability of Russians to cross the bridge over the canal to attack in the direction of Stupochky.

Such actions greatly improved the security over the Ivanivske highway, and Russian sources already reported that a column of Ukrainian T-64s is heading to Bakhmut from Chasiv Yar. Some Russian sources critiqued the lack of use of high-precision weapons as well as problems with intelligence and communications in Russian forces, which allow Ukrainians to move freely in large columns of armored vehicles in the front-line city.

In the southern part of Bakhmut, Russian forces are trying to create a small cauldron around a group of Ukrainian forces south of the city stadium. So far, their attempts to create a threat of encirclement have failed, and they increased the concentration of their forces on the local graveyard. Geolocated footage shows how Ukrainian air reconnaissance noticed that several small Wagner groups, one by one, entered the building in front of the graveyard and conducted an airstrike, destroying the assault group and a good place for hiding ammunition. Those units that had passed the graveyard engaged in tough fights with the Ukrainian 80th separate assault brigade. The brigade recently released a lot of videos featuring fights in the outskirts as well as closer to the city center.

Nonetheless, the toughest fights are taking place in the northern part of the city. Ukrainian forces reported that Russians are using barrage fire. As seen from the footage, Russian forces are shelling the area between the industrial zone and the central part of the city. The main idea of a barrage is to deny access across that line of the barrage in order to undermine the Ukrainian defense on the AZOM complex. So far, it looks like this tactic works because Russians managed to increase the area of their control. Today’s geolocated footage shows that Ukrainian soldiers are holding defense in front of the culture building. Judging by the positions of Ukrainian troops, they are engaging with attackers north of Peremoga street, which means that Wagners have established control over the warehouses and crossed the railways.

However, the main focus of Ukrainian artillery became Russian assault units to the north of Bakhmut. As you remember, Russians recently switched back to attempts at carrying out the plan of encirclement and increased the number of assaults between Khromove and Bohdanivka significantly. Yesterday, Ukrainian forces prevented an assault on Bohdanivka by conducting a precision strike on the area where they concentrated. Ukrainian special reconnaissance group spotted how Russian soldiers in small groups gradually gathered in a tree line, waited until the assault group had been fully formed, and then coordinated with a HIMARS crew that hit right in the middle of this group. One of the spokesmen for Ukrainian forces in Bakhmut noted that Ukrainian reconnaissance and artillery units in coordination also destroyed 3 such groups today, so many Russian assault units never actually get to conduct their assaults.

Total Ambush!!! Ukrainian Drones Throw 10 Grenades Into Trenches and Blow up 400 Russian Soldiers

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Mon Mar 20 2023 11:45:04 UTC

Total Ambush!!! Ukrainian Drones 10 Throw Grenades Into Trenches and Blow up 400 Russian Soldiers. RUSSIAN soldiers catch …
Show more Total Ambush!!! Ukrainian Drones 10 Throw Grenades Into Trenches and Blow up 400 Russian Soldiers.

RUSSIAN soldiers catch fire as Ukrainian drones drop bombs on foxholes and trenches. In this explosive footage, a Ukrainian drone can be seen loitering above Russian trenches before executing a deadly strike on 400 Russian troops. This footage has not yet been verified and the location is currently unconfirmed. Now a drone footage also going viral on social media that shows a drone belonging to the Ukrainian military dropping a bomb on a another Russian soldiers.

About the Author

Patryk Alexander is an associate copy editor at, where he sharpens articles and helps keep the website's content clean and error-free. With a background in creative writing, Patryk brings a unique perspective to his editing that helps make's content engaging and informative. When he's not editing or writing, Patryk enjoys spending time with his family and exploring the great outdoors.

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